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Article: "How free upload pictures or other content to cellphone or how to send MMS to Russian mobile subscribers."

Author: ppcsoft@narod.ru

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So, You already found on our website necessary pictures gallery, picked and saved locally beauty images on your computer.

Pictures gallery  Inside picture gallery

Saving picture from web site to local desktop PC

Now you need to upload this picture to your mobile phone.

There are some ways to do it depending of type used transport service:
1. Using communication functions of phones and external devices
2. Using sites of operators of cellular communication
3. Utilizing the services of content providers

1. Using communication functions of phones and external devices

Modern mobile phones have a variety of communication interfaces such as infrared port (iR-DA), "Bluetooth" (Bluetooth - short-wireless radio technology for different hi-tech devices), similar to those ports are equipped with modern laptops. Also phone and computer can be connected together using cables via the USB ports (emulated virtual COM ports).

Using this type connection you can exchange data between different devices, including pictures transfer, photos, video, with using additional tools you can synchronize contact list, make backups and other service functions.

If your phone supports the file downloading from the Internet or WAP, you can just download pictures using hyperlink full address in the Internet to picture, for example:


At first it is necessary to setup parameters GPRS or WAP connections, according to recommendations of your operator.

2. Using sites of cellular mobile operators

As before 2008 year most of Russian cellular operators provide only send SMS function from they web sites, but today web visitor also can send free MMS messages to operator's subscribers.

2.1. Free sending MMS from the site of MTS
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) service provides media communication between operator subscribers. For own subscribers MTS provide special MMS Portal web site. If recipient has no MMS service it get link to MMS-Portal where can see message. Also you can send messages directly to e-mail.

The maximum size of MMS-messages limited to 300 kilobytes.

From a MTS site you can send MMS to following MTS ("Mobile Telesystems") subscribers:

7910 7915 7916 7917 7919 7985 7495 7471 7472 7473 7474 7483 7812 7861 7911 7912 7913 7914 7918 7980 7981 7982 7987 7988

Full number consist of 11 digits (7916XXXXXXX).

7 is Country Code (CC) for Russian Federation

To send pictures, video or other content inside MMS messages do next step:

Open page - http://www.mms.mts.ru/send/
1. fill in the recipient's phone number (791XXXXXXXX) and message subject
2-3. choose and upload yours picture to site
4. input the security code
5. click - "Send Message"
6. as a result, if all done correctly, you see successful result page of sending MMS and in a few seconds get picture on the phone, where you can save or send classmates and girlfriends.

MTS MMS site page

Result successful message:

MMS sent seccesfully

If you send MMS to your phone, make sure the correctness settings MMS:


Check service information on MTS MMS Portal:


2.2. Free sending MMS from the site of Megafon
Sending MMS with pictures or other files from Megafone site is similarly and very simple. In this moment the opportunity is on a Megaphone Moscow branch site;, check out this opportunity on Megaphone regional sites.

From web page you can send MMS to subscribers with numbers: 7926 7925 7495.

Recipient's phone number must have 11 digits (7926XXXXXXX)

Page address of Moscow region - http://www.megafonmoscow.ru/mms/

To send MMS, need to fill fields:
  • receiver
  • subject
  • text
  • upload picture
  • enter security code
  • click "Send".

    Files optimized to size, max size is 100kb, allowed formats: .JPG, .GIF, .PNG, .3GP

    MMS site of Megafon Moscow

    Message about successful result:

    MMS Result Message

    2.3. Free sending MMS from Beeline site (OAO VimpelCom)
    Unfortunately, the Beeline Company at present time did not provide such services to its subscribers.

    As a result, you can upload to your and other peoples phones any pictures, without any charge, also You can send message to other country.

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