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  • Книги по программированию КПК: PocketPC и WindowsCE

    eMbedded Visual C++

    Для тех, кто только осваивает азы разработки программ на eMbedded Visual C++ (eVC) для КПК, очень рекомендуем ознакомится со следущей литературой (все книги на английском языке, переводы на русский нам нам не встречались):

    Programming Microsoft Windows Ce .NET, Third Edition
    Programming Microsoft Windows CE, Second Edition
    Windows CE 3.0 Application Programming

    Programming Microsoft Windows Ce .NET, Third Edition

Douglas Boling 
Publisher: Microsoft Press
June 25, 2003
ISBN: 0735618844, 1264 pages

    Programming Microsoft Windows Ce .NET, Third Edition

    Douglas Boling
    Publisher: Microsoft Press
    June 25, 2003
    ISBN: 0735618844, 1264 pages

    Комментарий: продолжает великолепную серию - Programming Microsoft Windows CE и теперь раскрываются секретры разработки под новой CE.NET (Windows CE 4.X), но не .NET и .NET Compact Framework, так же вы не найдете ничего и про C# и VB.NET. Упор делается на системное программирование и WinAPI, в очередной раз автор не тратит время на MFC и C++, вместо этого рассматриваются понятные примеры фудаментального кодирования для платформы Windows CE, добавлена информация по Smartphone.
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    Programming Microsoft Windows CE, Second Edition

Douglas Boling 
Publisher: Microsoft Press
July 13, 2001
ISBN: 0-7356-1443-1,  998 pages

    Programming Microsoft Windows CE, Second Edition

    Douglas Boling
    Publisher: Microsoft Press
    July 13, 2001
    ISBN: 0-7356-1443-1, 998 pages

    Комментарий: автор раскрывает основные апекты программирования под Windows CE на чистом WinAPI. Делается акцент на особенностях программирования для платформы Windows CE по сравнению с традиционной платформой, рассматриваются ограничения и дополнительные возможности платформы. В книге приводятся позновательные примеры. Здесь вы не найдете MFC, автор отлично справляется стандартными функциями WinAPI.

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    Table of Contents



       Just What Is Windows CE?
       A Little Windows CE History
       Why You Should Read This Book
       What About MFC?
       Windows CE Development Tools
       Target Systems
       What's New in the Second Edition
       What's on the CDs
       Other Sources
       Updates and Feedback

    1. Hello Windows CE
       What Is Different About Windows CE
       It's Still Windows Programming

    2. Drawing on the Screen
       Painting Basics
       Writing Text
       Lines and Shapes

    3. Input: Keyboard, Touch Screen, and Menus
       The Keyboard
       The Touch Screen and the Stylus

    4. Windows, Controls, and Dialog Boxes
       Child Windows
       Windows Controls
       Dialog Boxes

    5. Common Controls and Windows CE
       Programming Common Controls
       The Common Controls
       Other Common Controls
       Unsupported Common Controls

    6. Memory Management
       Memory Basics
       The Different Kinds of Memory Allocation

    7. Files, Databases, and the Registry
       The Windows CE File System
       The Registry

    8. Processes and Threads
       Windows CE Security
       Interprocess Communication
       Exception Handling

    9. Serial Communications
       Basic Serial Communication
       The Infrared Port
       The CeChat Example Program

    10. Windows Networking and IrSock
       Windows Networking Support
       Basic Sockets
       TCP/IP Pinging

    11. Connecting to the Desktop
       The Windows CE Remote API
       The CeUtil Functions
       Connection Notification
       File Filters

    12. Notifications
       User Notifications
       Timer Event Notifications
       System Event Notifications
       The NoteDemo Example Program
       Querying Scheduled Notifications

    13. The Explorer Shell
       Working with the Shell
       The Taskbar
       The Out Of Memory Error Dialog Box
       Console Applications
       Hardware Keys

    14. Programming the Pocket PC
       The Pocket PC Screen
       Hello Pocket PC
       The Menu Bar
       Dialog Boxes
       The Game API

    15. Extending the Pocket PC
       Writing a Custom Today Screen Item
       Writing an Input Method

    16. System Programming
       The Boot Process
       System Configuration
       Writing Cross-Platform Windows CE Applications

    17. Device Drivers
       Basic Drivers
       Writing a Windows CE Stream Device Driver
       Building a Device Driver
       Asynchronous Driver I/O

    Windows CE 3.0 Application Programming

Nick Grattan 
Marshall Brain 
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR 
First Edition October 20, 2000
ISBN: 0-13-025592-0, 544 pages

    Windows CE 3.0 Application Programming

    Nick Grattan
    Marshall Brain

    Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
    First Edition October 20, 2000
    ISBN: 0-13-025592-0, 544 pages

    Комментарий: Книга посвящена системному программированию под Windows CE 3.0 API, и ничего не раскрывает о MFC, использованию Embedded Visual C++ (eVC), Embedded Visual Basic (eVB) и пользовательском интерфейсе (UI). Если Вы программируете C++ или Visual C++ и хотите освоить функционал Windows CE 3.0, то это книга для вас.

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    Table of Contents



    1. Introduction
       About Microsoft Windows CE
       About This Book
       About You
       About MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and ATL (ActiveX Template Libraries)
       eMbedded Visual C11 3.0
       The Code Samples
       Unicode Text and Strings
       Error Checking
       Exception Handling and Page Faults

    2. Files
       Opening and Reading from a File
       Getting and Setting File Information

    3. Object Store, Directory, and Network Operations
       Getting Object Store Free Space
       Creating and Deleting Directories
       Compact Flash and Other Storage Devices
       WNet Functions
       Adding and Canceling Connections

    4. Property Databases and the Registry
       Database Volumes
       Flushing a Database Volume
       Sort Orders
       Creating a Property Database
       Opening and Closing Property Databases
       Deleting Property Databases
       Writing Records
       Reading Records
       Using the CEVT_BLOB Property Data Type
       Searching for Records
       Deleting Properties and Records
       Updating Database Records
       Database Notifications
       Listing Database Information
       Changing Database Attributes
       Using MFC Classes with Property Databases
       Accessing the Registry

    5. Processes and Threads
       Creating a Process with CreateProcess
       Process Kernel Object Handles and Identifiers
       Creating a Process with ShellExecuteEx
       Waiting for a Process to Terminate
       Process Exit Code
       Listing Running Processes
       Modules Used by a Process
       Terminating a Process
       Determining If a Previous Instance of a Process Is Running
       Creating a Thread
       Terminating a Thread and Thread Exit Codes
       Thread Scheduling
       Thread Priorities
       Enumerating Threads
       Determine Thread Execution Times
       Creating Threads with MFC

    6. Thread Synchronization
       The Need for Synchronization
       Critical Sections
       The Interlocked Functions
       WaitForSingleObject and WaitForMultipleObjects
       Using Mutex Objects
       Using Event Objects
       Using Semaphores
       Selecting the Correct Synchronization Technique
       Thread Local Storage and Dynamic Link Libraries

    7. Notifications
       Running an Application at a Specified Time
       Using Mini-Applications with Notification
       Starting an Application on an Event
       Manually Controlling the LED
       User Notification

    8. Communications Using TCP/IP: HTTP and Sockets
       Overview of TCP/IP Communications
       Programming the HTTP Protocol
       Simple HTTP Requests
       More Complex HTTP Requests Using a Session
       Using a Proxy Server
       Connecting to Secure Sites
       Sending Data to a Server
       HTTP in Summary
       Socket Programming

    9. Serial Communications
       Basic Serial Communications
       GPS and NMEA
       Infrared and Other Devices

    10. The Remote API (RAPI)
       Initializing and Un-initializing RAPI
       Handling Errors
       A Simple RAPI Application-Creating a Process
       Overview of RAPI Functions
       Write Your Own RAPI Functions with CeRapiInvoke

    11. Telephone API (TAPI) and Remote Access Services (RAS)
       Introduction to Telephone API (TAPI)
       Line Initialization and Shutdown
       Enumerating TAPI Devices
       Making a Call with TAPI
       Communicating Through an Open Call
       Remote Access Services (RAS)

    12. Memory Management
       The Virtual Address Space
       Allocating Memory for Data Storage
       Obtaining System Processor and Memory Information
       Obtaining the Current Memory Status
       Application Memory Allocation
       Creating Your Own Heaps
       Handling Low-Memory Situations

    13. System Information and Power Management
       Operating System Version Information
       Power Management

    14. COM and ActiveX
       Introduction to the Component Object Model (COM)
       POOM-The Pocket Office Object Model
       Using COM Components
       Using Smart Pointers
       Creating a Recurring Appointment
       ActiveX and Automation
       Using Automation Objects with MFC

    15. Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
       Overview of Microsoft Message Queue
       Managing Queues on Windows 2000
       Sending Messages from Windows CE
       Creating a New Queue
       Reading Messages from a Queue
       Message Timeouts, Acknowledgements, and Administration Queues
       Message Transactions

    16. ADOCE and SQL Server for Windows CE
       Installing SQL Server for Windows CE
       ADOCE and ADOXCE
       Using Smart Pointers with ADOCE
       Using _bstr_t and _variant_t Classes
       Creating a Catalog (Database)
       Enumerating Tables in a Catalog
       Dropping a Table
       Adding Records to a Table
       Retrieving Records from a Table
       Connection Object
       Deleting Records
       SQL Data Definition Language (DDL)
       INSERT Statement
       Error Handling

    17. ActiveSync
       ActiveSync Items, Folders, and Store
       Steps to Implement Device Synchronization
       Steps to Implement Desktop Synchronization
       Additional Steps for Continuous Synchronization
       The Sample Application
       Installation and Registration
       Data Organization
       Important Note
       Implementing the Windows CE Device Provider
       Implementing the Desktop Provider

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